The heart of faucet is its valve core, it determines the quality of the faucet. Valve core is the heart of faucet, ceramic valve core is the best valve core. Good quality products all adopt ceramic valve core, has the good wearability, sealing is good wait for a characteristic, general can use 30 ~ 500000 times or more. Therefore, choose good faucet must first understand the tap valve core.
Tap on the main parts is the valve core, every day open dozens of times without a problem, mainly in it. Common tap valve core has stainless steel, ceramic valve core, shaft roll three, these 3 kinds of valve core features a integrity, the whole valve shaft for an organic whole, easy installation and maintenance and replacement. But now most products matching is ceramic valve core, good product valve core can withstand the tens of thousands of times open experiment. We choose when bibcock of could not directly see it, can pass back and forth toggle lever feel it. Too loose or too tight products had better not choose, and only those who feel comfortable lubrication, use agile relaxed bibcock is good product.